The National Southern Media Authority condemned the terrorist bombing that killed the journalist, Rasha Abdullah, and her fetus, and wounded her husband, on Tuesday, in the capital, Aden.  This was stated in a statement issued by the authority as follows:  With great sadness and pain, the National Southern Media Authority […]

The Administrative Body of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council issued a statement about the peaceful southern activities that took place on the occasion of Southern Land Day, and the repression it faced by the Brotherhood’s Islah Party militias.  hereunder is the statement:  Important statement The administrative body […]

The Human Rights Department in the General Secretariat of the Presidency important statement regarding violations of Brotherhood militia against peaceful demonstrators in Shabwa governorate, here it is:  Statement regarding the events in Shabwa  We followed with interest and concern the unfortunate events that took place in the southern governorate of […]

The General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council issued a statement condemning, in the strongest terms, the acts of the forces of terrorism and darkness and what their bloody suppression machine practiced against the peaceful activity in Shabwa governorate, and its accompanying arrests, road closures, using live […]