STCs Presidium Demands PLC Stop Employment in Senior-Level Positions

The Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its periodic meeting today, Monday, chaired by Major General Ahmed Saeed bin Brik, Vice President of the STC.

In its meeting, which was attended by Dr. Abdul-Nasser Al-Wali, the Minister of Civil Service and Insurance, Brigadier General Nasser Al-Saadi, head of the Community Commission assisting the Presidium of the STC, and members of the Advisors in Economic and Service Commission (ESC) assisting the Presidium of the STC, the Presidium stood before the latest developments on the national scene, politically, economically, and in services, with focusing on the excessive employment in a senior-level positions in a number of state institutions in flgarant violation of the law, calling on the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) to assume its responsibility in this aspect and stop these violations, the continuation of which represents the perpetuation of corruption and tampering with public funds, in light of the urgent need for financial reforms, and the trend towards fiscal austerity, to reduce the burdens borne by citizens in their daily living.

Similarly, the Presidium emphasized the importance of ceasing unilateral actions of a political nature in forming medical and academic councils, working in consensus that reflects the true reality of the number of liberated governorates and districts, and stopping the continuity of exclusivity, indifference, and tampering in the eligibility of scholarships without sticking to an effective mechanism of transparency and well-planned criteria for scholarships instead of ill-intentiously utilizing to serve specific trends and certain areas at the expense of those who well-deserve it from the people of the South.

Likewise, the Presidium stressed the importance of establishing a specific and clear mechanism for paying salaries of public employees through banks, ensuring easy and convenient access in all districts on time and without any obstacles or delay, as well as accelerating the preparation and approval of the laws of the financial system related to the minimum wage and pensions and the necessity of compatibility with the requirements of the minimum decent living for citizens.

In another context, the Presidium called on the prime minister to coordinate with international organizations concerned with refugees to promptly deport those involved in transferring the tribal and ethnic conflict and acts of violence among them to the capital, Aden, and other governorates, and to gather others in special refugee camps that are well-provided for such affairs, and to find ultimate solutions to the problem of illegal immigrants, whose continued influx constitutes a burden on the governorates of the South, and citizens miserably bear the negative consequences.

At the end of its meeting, the Presidium discussed the results of the meeting held by the ESC with the Assistant UN Envoy, in addition to the periodic report of the Community Commission assisting the Presidium of the STC and a range of topics and issues related to the work of other Council bodies, and took the appropriate measures.


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Al-Sharafi Discusses with IOM Delegation Addressing Problem of Undocumented Immigration to the South

Mon Sep 11 , 2023
Pin it Email Mr. Anis Al-Sharafi, the deputy director of the General Directorate of Foreign Affairs (GDFA) of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), received on Monday a delegation from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), which includes the security official, Mr. John Kamau, his deputy, Mr. Zaryab Al-Fares, and […]

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